Services :
Individual solutions at our customers’ disposal
European Composite Recycling Technology A/S (ECRTechnology) focuses on developing and implementing new innovative solutions based on the recycling of composite materials such as glass fiber and carbon fiber, hence improving the customer’s carbon footprint, reducing his resource consumption and his environmental costs as well as his company’s risk, and increasing his environmental as well as his sustainability performance.
In order to achieve this ECRTechnology’s services encompass
– Recycling of composite manufacturing wastes
such as dry, uncured or cured composite materials, uncured and cured resins, even dust from surface treatment.
– Recycling of decommissioned composite products
such as parts or components of all shapes and constitutions from glass fiber and carbon fiber compound material, and even mixtures thereof
– Recyclate Product Design and Manufacturing
planning, design and production of new parts, components or products from compound material recyclates, either to replace virgin materials in the customers’ product or for application in other industries
– Recycling Technology Development and Implementation
developing of improved recycling techniques and application of the latest recycling technologies, including manufacturing of the respective machinery and implementation of bespoke factory equipment
– Environmental resp. Sustainability Management consultancy
consultancy support in the assessment, documentation, priorisation and development of counter measures for all environmental, social and financial aspects and impacts of the customers’ business, including target derivation and setting, implementation, training as well as communication of the individualized management system
– Life Cycle Analysis consultancy
consultancy support in the assessment, qualification and systematic calculation of a products’, parts’ or components’ global carbon footprint from cradle to grave, measured in gr eq. CO2 as standardized through the International Standard ISO 14040/44 as a means of an unbiased comparison of the ecological performance of production processes and products